Golf Course Publications Study

Deadline: Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Last Saved: Never

This study is being conducted by an independent market research firm, Industry Insights. Please contact if you have any questions regarding this survey. "GCM", "Golf Course Industry", and "Golfdom" are trademarks of the respective publications and their likenesses appear here solely to communicate the subject matter of this current market study and not to imply a connection between the publications and Industry Insights.

1. Which of the following hard copy publications do you receive? (Check all that apply.)
Hard copy addressed
to you
Hard copy passed
along to you
Golf Course Management (GCM)
Golf Course Industry
2. For each publication that you checked “Addressed to you” in the previous question, how many other people (not including yourself) usually read/look through your copy? (Enter whole numbers. If none, enter “0”.)
# of people
Golf Course Management (GCM) #
Golf Course Industry #
Golfdom #
3. To whom do you pass along your copy? (Check all that apply.)
4. Which of the following ways do you read superintendent publications? (Check all that apply)
If you don’t read a publication listed, mark it as N/A Don’t Read.
Read Hard
articles on
Read digital
version of
Don’t Read
Golf Course Management (GCM)
Golf Course Industry
4b. If you read online, what type of device do you use most commonly to access it online?
5a. How do you prefer to read superintendent publications—do you usually read a hard copy, or do you usually read it online? (Online includes reading articles on a website or reading the digital version.)
5b. Please expand on your reason for your preference above.
6. How many of the last 4 issues of each publication have you read/looked through, either hard copy or digital/online version?
None 1 of 4 2 of 4 3 of 4 4 of 4
Golf Course Industry
7. Which of these hard copy publications do you usually save for future reference and for how long?
< 6
6 months
- 1 year
1 - 2
3+ years
Golf Course Industry
8. In the past 12 months, which of these digital/online publications have you revisited at a later date after you've finished reading it the first time?
If you have revisited a digital/online publication listed below, how many times would you estimate you've done so in the past 12 months?
Golf Course Industry
9. Which publication do you feel is the best overall in the golf course management industry?
10. Please tell us why the publication you chose is the best overall: